DELILA database

DELILA I (Excel)

DELILA I is a data base for foliar litter fall and covers a range of coniferous and deciduous species, mainly from boreal and temperate climatic zones. The data base has three sections, namely (i) Pine spp. litter fall, (ii) Spruce and fir litter fall and (iii) Decidous litter fall.

DELILA II is a database for limit values for decomposition calculated from litter accumulated mass loss. Data cover both coniferous and deciduous tree species from mainly boreal and temperate climatic ones.

DELILA III is a database for chemical composition of foliar leaf litter and will appear in the course of 2013. 

The data set has been compiled by Björn Berg and is free to download and use for teaching and research. Still, the original references are given in the literature list (in common for DELILA I, II and III) and ought to be used when data or results are published. In case of problems or questions you are welcome to contact Björn Berg.

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 © Björn Berg & Ryszard Laskowski
Contact: Björn Berg, Ryszard Laskowski
Updated: 2013-06-15.