
About project

City and nature






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Forms of protection


Nature in Kraków

Nature in Kraków

We offer you a range of our published articles and reports:

Biodiversity hot-spots / Krakow has many sites presenting valuable features of nature. Some of these may be of major importance to the protection of biodiversity. These are potential breeding or proliferation sites of rare animal or plant species, some of which are inhabited be these species, while others are simply temporary habitats, e.g. ecological corridors, etc. Identifying the most important among these and drafting a plan of their protection is the most important objective of our work.

White storks in the urban area / White storks' nests can be fairly often found close to human settlements throughout Poland, and Krakow is no exception.

Aquatic and wetland habitats / Rivers, river valleys and bodies of water are often the most interesting sites in terms of wild nature. Many rare plant and animal species occur there...

Xerothermic grasslands / The southern slopes of limestone hills offer magnificent conditions for the development of thermophilous vegetation of swards and xerothermic bush. These exceptionally beautiful communities abounding in species are picturesque attractions in the landscape surrounding the city.

 © Department of Ecosystem Studies | webmaster: Paweł Kapusta