population ecology group   :::   institute   :::   university   :::  polski
Szymon Drobniak, Ph.D.
  Inst. of Environmental Sciences
Jagiellonian University

Gronostajowa 7, 30-387 Kraków
tel. + 48 12 664 51 79
fax + 48 12 664 69 12
popular science  
+ R  
not only science...  

R - modern environment for scientific calculations

R recently became an illumination of statistical calculations. It's power, effectiveness, open-source status i free availability made many people faithful fans of it. This page is meant to provide some useful and worth-reading

books, web pages and other resources thatwill help you appreciate R and start using it.

http://cran.r-project.org - the heart of R-world, provides newest distributions of R and hosts all R's packages

Resources for the book "Introduction to R" and more

Datasets - BASIC issues

Datasets and files - ADVANCED issues

Uppsala - the complete workshop


  home ::: projects ::: publications ::: students ::: not only science ::: e-mail

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