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Szymon Drobniak, Ph.D.
  Inst. of Environmental Sciences
Jagiellonian University

Gronostajowa 7, 30-387 Kraków
tel. + 48 12 664 51 79
fax + 48 12 664 69 12
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I teach Advanced statistics for ecologists for PhD. students, Statistics for students of 'Biology with Geogrpahy' and 'Environmental Conservation'; Birds' Identification in the Field for Biology; Botany fo 'Environmental Conservation'; Statistics II for Biology. I also supervise students working in the Laboratory of Melocular Ecology.

Since 2007 I've been working as Editor in Chief of Wychuchol - a journal issued by the Students Naturalist Society (both in form of pdfs and as a quaterly printed journal).

Recently I've started teaching basics of R. I began with MCMCglmm.
Materials (Polish only). I also taught R at the Uppsala University during a 4-day workshop - details here.

Advanced statistics for ecologists - Short R reference card - Sample files 1

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